Passages: Luke 10-14
Big Idea: Jesus invites us to come, follow him and live in his upside-down kingdom.
Ages: 5-7
Six lessons exploring parables in Luke chapters 10 to 14.
Jesus’ parables are short stories that draw on everyday experiences to give insights into God and his kingdom. His stories are an invitation to come and live in God’s upside-down kingdom.
These six lessons are the first collection in a two-part series on the parables of Luke.
Jesus’ parables often have unexpected twists, catching his original listeners off-guard. It was the Samaritan, not the religious Jew who loved the stranger. It was the persistence of the friend, who did not stop asking until he had what he needed, who was ultimately satisfied. It was those who were invited first who missed out.
In a world that craves power, wealth and position, Jesus describes a kingdom turned on its head. The rich, who had it all on earth, end their life taking nothing with them. They loved what was temporary and missed out on enjoying what lasts forever. The invitation, rejected by the Jews, is now extended to all people everywhere - to anyone who will say ‘Yes’.
Jesus describes the kingdom of God like a mustard seed, which begins tiny but grows into a tree large enough for birds to take refuge in. Or, like yeast that makes the dough rise. God’s kingdom grows as people turn to say, ‘Yes’ to his invitation and live under his rule. As they use what the King has so generously given them to serve him, they will see his kingdom grow.
Luke’s parables are an invitation by Jesus to come, follow him and live in his upside-down kingdom.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and worksheets is also included.