The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons
The Son Of God - 9 Lessons

The Son Of God - 9 Lessons

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Passages: Mark 1-8
Big Idea:
Jesus is God’s Son. He has power over sickness, nature, Satan and death.

Nine lessons exploring Mark chapter 1 to 8.

The book of Mark begins with these words, ‘The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God..’ (Mark 1:1) The gospel of Mark has been carefully put together to show that Jesus is God’s Son, who comes with power to save God’s people. 

Jesus’ divinity is clearly seen in the twenty-four miracles recorded in this gospel - the most of any gospel. The emphasis in the book of Mark is on what Jesus did rather than what Jesus said. The miracles lead the reader to conclude - Jesus is the Son of God. His deeds prove who he is. 

In chapter 1 to 8, we see God’s Son flexing his God muscles. Jesus speaks and people walk, raging seas stop still and the dead are raised. With one touch leprosy is gone, bleeding stops and hungry crowds go home full. Demons are terrified of him and beg him to leave them alone. 

People are amazed, while the religious leaders question. When he forgives a man his sins they think to themselves: ‘Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?’ (Mark 2:7) When the crowds do not leave him alone they accuse Jesus of doing things by Satan’s power. ‘He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.’ (Mark 3:22) 

Even Jesus’ disciples are baffled by his power. At first they feared the storm but in the end they feared the one standing in front of them. ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’ (Mark 4:41)

The first half Mark ends with Jesus asking the question. ‘Who do people say I am?’ The answers are remixed, but then Peter gets it right. Jesus is the Messiah - God’s promised King, who came to save God’s people. 

This is when the book turns. From Mark 9 onwards, Jesus heads to Jerusalem to do what must be done. ‘The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and after three days rise again.’ (Mark 8:31) This is… ‘the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God..’ (Mark 1:1) This is how God’s Son would save God’s people.

The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and worksheets is also included.

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