Passages: John 12-21
Big Idea: We see Jesus in all his glory, the servant King who came to make a way for us to God.
Ages: 5-7
Thirteen lessons exploring John chapters 12 to 21.
The seven signs in John 1-12 declare that Jesus is the Son of God. From John 13 onwards there is a shift from the Son of God to the Servant King.
This section begins with Jesus on his knees washing the feet of his disciples. Jesus serves his people, so that they in turn would serve others. Jesus then prepares his disciples because soon he’d leave them. He comforts them, assuring them that he’s going to prepare a place for them. He reminds them that he is the only way to the Father and he will send them the Spirit who will comfort and remind them of everything he has taught them. He will not leave them as orphans.
He prepares his disciples for the persecution that is ahead. If people hate Jesus, they will hate his followers. But if his disciples remain connected to him (the vine), they’ll grow and bear much fruit. Chapter 17 records Jesus' final prayer. He prays for himself and for his disciples. That they’d be both kept safe and be united.
In chapter 18-19, Jesus, the Son of God dies as the Servant King for the sins of the world. In chapter 20, the greatest doubter Thomas, upon seeing the resurrected Jesus declares, “My Lord and my God.” The book ends with the reinstatement of Peter. Peter, along with anyone Jesus has forgiven, is given the privilege of feeding Jesus’ sheep.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, imaginary play and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.