Passages: 1 Kings, Esther, Daniel, Jonah
Big Idea: There is only one true God, so trust in him alone.
Ages: 3-4
Ten lessons for 3 and 4 year olds exploring ten Bible stories about trusting God.
Elijah was sent by God to confront an idolatrous king of Israel, Ahab. Elijah was used by God to demonstrate that there is only one true God and the Israelites’ worship of false gods was utterly offensive to him.
Esther entrusted herself into God’s care for the salvation of God’s people, just as Jesus would entrust himself to his Father and save us.
The book of Daniel finds the Israelites taken from the promised land to a foreign land. The one true God reveals to Daniel both King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the interpretation of the dream. God brings the most powerful king on earth to his knees till finally he recognizes the God of the Israelites, as the one true God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refuse to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzar’s statue. Again, the most powerful king on earth praises the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Towards the end of Daniel’s life he is again faced with the choice. Daniel chooses to trust in the true God even though it may cost him his life.
Jonah is the saddest prophet of all. His failure to love the lost is clearly demonstrated in his disobedience in chapter 1. God does what Jonah feared, he shows mercy to the people of Nineveh, who fear the Lord and repent. Jonah is angry, so angry he could die. He failed to extend the same mercy he’d received to others.
The unit comes complete with the following resources:
1. Leaders Manuals
2. Active Play & Games Ideas & Memory Verse
3. Songs & Action Rhymes
4. Bible Stories (full scripts, with sets of pictures for each story)
5. Small Group Time & Prayer Time Guides (complete with resources)
6. Take-Home Crafts (for children to use to retell the Bible story at home)
7. Story Book (for parents to read at home with their child)
8. Parent Pamphlet (detailing what children will learn)
9. Our God Rules Banner (to display)
10. Routine Picture (to display for the group or for use by a child)
This unit is one of four units in two-year cycle for this age group.
Cycle A includes:
1. God's Amazing World
2. God's Big Kingdom
3. Our God Rules
4. God's Great King