Passages: Philippians 4
Big Idea: Because of Jesus we can talk to God anytime, anywhere, about anything.
Ages: 1-2
Twenty lessons for 1 and 2 year olds exploring our prayerful dependence on our Father in heaven in everything. Note: both Cycle A and Cycle B are included in the one pack (ten lessons per cycle).
Because of Jesus, God is not a distant creator, but our heavenly Father, who longs to hear his children pray. We express our praise and our dependence. We share our deepest struggles and feelings. We lament, we ask, we thank, we cry out, we repent and we depend.
Prayer is the God-given privilege of each child of God. It’s an expression of our utter dependence on our all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present God. He knows how we feel and why we feel the way we do before we do. Every child of God needs to learn to take every thought and feeling to their heavenly Father in prayer. This is one way we express our absolute dependence on our great God.
This unit comes complete with the following resources:
1. Leaders Manuals
2. Active Play Ideas
3. Picture Book (full of Bible stories)
4. Songs & Prayers
5. Story Book Craft (sent home at the end of ten lessons for parents to read with their child)
6. Parent Pamphlet (detailing what children will learn)
7. Bonus crafts for Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day
This cyclic series has four units:
1. Made By God
2. Made Special By God
3. I Can Talk To God
4. Only God Can Do That
Each unit has ten lessons per unit, with both Cycle A lessons and Cycle B lessons included (twenty lessons in total). Four units for Cycle A in the first year and four units for Cycle B in the second year, then repeat.