Passages: Malachi
Big Idea: God is faithful even when his people have been faithless.
Ages: 5-7
Six lessons exploring the book of Malachi.
Malachi is God’s last word before the coming of Christ. We know nothing about Malachi except what he writes in his book and that his name means ‘my messenger’.
The book begins with a reminder of God’s stubborn love for his people. A love that began with his sovereign choice. Before Jacob had a chance to do anything to deserve God’s love, God loved him. And will always love him. God’s unchanging character is evident in his unfailing love for his unfaithful people. ‘I the LORD do not change.’ (Malachi 3:6) He’d made an agreement (covenant) to love his people and he’d keep that covenantal agreement.
The book focuses on the failure of God’s people to love and respect him, to trust his love and to live as his people. They broke their wedding vows, they sacrificed their worst instead of their best, and they robbed God. The call is to repent and return to God.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, imaginary play and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and worksheets is also included.