Kidswise offers eight units for children aged 3 and 4 for use at Sunday Kids Church. Each unit has ten lessons.
Cycle A units includes:
1. God's Amazing World
2. God's Big Kingdom
3. Our God Rules
4. God's Great King
Each unit comes with the following resources:
1. Leaders manuals
2. Active play & games ideas
3. Songs, action rhymes & a memory verse
4. Bible stories - full scripts, with sets of pictures for each story
5. Small group time & prayer time guides - complete with resources
6. Take-home crafts - or children to use to retell the Bible story at home
7. Story book craft - made into a booklet for parents to read with their child
8. Parent pamphlet - detailing what children will learn
9. Banner - to display
10. Routine picture - to display for the group or for use by a child