Passage: Psalms
Big Idea: God is enough. If you have him you have everything.
Ages: 8-11
Nine lessons exploring a selection of Psalms.
This series takes us on a journey through a selected number of Psalms. These Psalms explore some of the big truths of scripture.
Psalm 139 blows out our understanding of God. He is all-knowing, all-powerful and everywhere. God is always with his people! Psalm 8 explores the dignity of humanity. Out of all creation only humans are given the role of ruling this world under God. We are made special, to live under his rule and to praise him.
Psalms 2 and 22 predict the death of Christ, one thousand years before it took place. Psalm 22 speaks of the one whose hands and feet would be pierced. It was written six hundred years before crucifixion was invented by the Persians. The cry from the cross, ‘My God, my God why have you forsaken me?’ is Jesus’ cry on our behalf. Because Jesus cries this out, anyone who trusts in him will never be forsaken by God. Psalm 51 is David’s cry for mercy after committing adultery with Bathsheba then trying to cover it up by having her husband, Uriah (David’s own bodyguard) killed. In this Psalm we see here how big God’s mercy is to each of us.
Psalm 19 reminds us that God is not silent. He speaks to us in creation and he speaks to us through his Word. Psalm 90 reminds us that our days are numbered - so live ready to meet our Lord. Psalm 73 begins with Asap envying the wicked, and ends with him seeing their fate. Never envy someone who lives without God now, because they will live without him for eternity. Finally, Psalm 78 speaks of the passing on of God’s good news, one generation to the next, so that every generation hears what God has done for them.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.