Passages: Ecclesiastes
Big Idea: Life lived without God has no meaning or purpose.
Ages: 5-7
Six lessons exploring the book of Ecclesiastes.
Ecclesiastes looks at life ‘under the sun’ - life lived here on earth as if there is no God. If this is all there is (i.e. there is nothing after we die) then the very best thing we can do is enjoy life to the full and to find work that brings the greatest satisfaction.
Ecclesiastes starts by looking at the fact that nothing changes from generation to generation, there is nothing new under the sun. It then moves on to looking at the fact that nothing remains constant. Nothing lasts - pleasures, work, possessions, fame... They are all vanity - like a mist that disappears as quickly as it comes. We chase after them, but they all fade away. Life without God is seen for what it is - temporary and without hope.
But life lived with God is living life to the full! Everything we do here matters. And what we do has value for eternity. Life lived with God now means we live without fear of judgement and with a promised eternity. We long to know there is more to life than this. It is God who has placed eternity in our hearts. So live life with an eternal perspective. Living with God gives both purpose and meaning now and into eternity.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, imaginary play and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.