Passages: 1 & 2 Samuel; 1 & 2 Kings
Big Idea: Jesus is God’s perfect King who lives forever.
Ages: 3-4
Ten lessons for 3 and 4 year olds exploring the theme of kingship.
God’s Kingship is on view throughout 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings. Nothing is off limits to his sovereign knowledge or control - even the human heart.
Israel’s cry for a king at the beginning of 1 Samuel is met with a strong warning that goes unheeded by God’s people. On the surface their first king, Saul, looked good but he was in fact a complete failure. Saul is rejected as king because of his persistent disobedience (failure to wait for Samuel to sacrifice, disobedience to God’s command to wipe out the Amalekites, then lying about it...).
David’s trust and subsequent obedience to God leads him to slay a giant, defeat countless enemies, respect King Saul as king, even when Saul sins. David has the opportunity again and again to kill Saul, but he chooses not to - King Saul is God’s chosen king. David’s kingship looks forward to a King, descended from David’s line, who perfectly trusts and obeys God. And whose trust and obedience to God will lead him to death on a cross. This King’s reign will have no end.
David is like this forever King, in that he shows mercy and kindness to his enemies. David shows kindness to Saul’s grandson, Mephibosheth, who is both weak and powerless. David restores his lands, brings him into his palace, treats him as family and provides for him for the rest of his life. But unlike God’s forever King, the kings of Israel are flawed. First David, then Solomon. As a result of their sin, the kingdom is divided, and finally the northern kingdom is taken out. The story of 1 & 2 Kings is the story of flawed king after flawed king, with a few exceptions along the way - Josiah, the boy king, being one.
This unit ends with the welcome into Jerusalem of God’s perfect King, Jesus, whose kingdom never ends.
The unit comes complete with the following resources:
1. Leaders Manuals
2. Active Play & Games Ideas
3. Songs & Action Rhymes & Memory Verse
4. Bible Stories (full scripts, with sets of pictures for each story)
5. Small Group Time & Prayer Time Guides (complete with resources)
6. Take-Home Crafts (for children to use to retell the Bible story at home)
7. Story Book (for parents to read at home with their child)
8. Parent Pamphlet (detailing what children will learn)
9. God's Amazing World Banner (to display)
10. Routine Picture (to display for the group or for use by a child)
This unit is one of four units in two-year cycle for this age group.
Cycle B includes:
1. Our God Saves
2. The Story Of The Kings
3. God's Amazing Promises
4. The Saviour Of The World