Passages: Acts 9-20
Big Idea: The good news about Jesus can’t be stopped.
Ages: 8-11
Ten lessons exploring Acts 9 to 20.
In Acts chapter 10 Peter confirms that the gospel is for all the nations and that God has no favourites. The story of the Acts of the Apostles then follows Paul on his three missionary journeys taking the good news to the nations and to the ends of the earth.
Paul preaches the good news about Jesus. Jesus alone can forgive our sins. Jesus alone saves. The preaching of the good news is accompanied by signs and wonders. Demons are cast out, the lame walk, the blind see, the sick are healed. People simply touch Paul’s handkerchief and are healed. All done in the power of Jesus.
This good news is for all people everywhere, from every tribe and tongue. And the command is the same for all. Repent and believe in Jesus and you will be saved. The response to this good news is threefold: some believe and are saved, some want to know more, and some are hostile.
The opposition to the gospel is at times violent. Paul was beaten, whipped, imprisoned, stoned and left for dead. Widespread persecution led to Christians being uprooted from their homes, but this simply aided in the spreading of the gospel.
God’s sovereign control is seen in all. Herod tried to silence those who preached Jesus. He had James killed and then imprisoned Peter. But in the end it was God’s angel who released Peter from prison and it was God's angel who struck Herod dead. And then immediately we read, “But the word of God continued to spread and flourish.” Acts 12:24 The good news about Jesus will never be stopped.
Paul ends his final missionary journey by returning to Antioch and reporting all that God had done in bringing people to himself.
In chapter 20 Paul gathers the elders of the Ephesus church and farewells them with a warning. Watch out for wolves who come, from both outside the church and inside the church. People who try to turn people away from trusting in Jesus alone. Who try to persuade people away from the truth.
The truth is simple. Jesus alone has paid in full for our sins. This is the only news that saves.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.