Passages: Daniel
Big Idea: There is one true God who rules overall. He alone is the God who saves.
Ages: 5-7
Ten lessons exploring the book of Daniel.
The book of Daniel opens with God’s people in exile in Babylon. The Israelite king and it’s ruling class had been ripped from the promised land by King Nebuchadnezzar. The God of Israel appears to have been defeated. But King Nebuchadnezzar captured the Israelites only because God allowed him to do so. The exile was in response to years of unfaithfulness by God’s people.
Daniel was one of the ruling class taken to Babylon. He lived in between two worlds, a citizen of Babylon serving a pagan king and an Israelite, serving God, his heavenly King. Daniel was under pressure to obey the Babylonian kings as if they were God. He however managed to use his God-given gifts to bless those around him yet remained faithful to God.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, imaginary play and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.