Passages: Genesis 12-50
Big Idea: God’s plan to save the world is revealed.
Ages: 5-7
Ten lessons exploring Genesis chapters 12 to 50.
Note: There is a bonus lesson titled, For Our Good (Lesson 11) which is an overview of the life of Joseph that can replace lessons 7-10.
Genesis means beginning. God created a world and breathed life into that world.
Genesis 1-11 outlines God’s relationship with his world. He is the creator, the source of life, who lovingly rules his world. From chapter 3 to chapter 11 we read of the impact of sin that severed the relationship between God and mankind. Sin spread from the individual, to the family, to every human being - climaxing in a definite world standing opposed to God in the Tower of Babel account. The verdict in chapter 6:5 is that human hearts are only evil all the time. However, even in these dark chapters, there is hope. A promise of one who would come and crush the head of the serpent.
Chapter 12 is a new beginning. God issues promises to one man, Abram. Promise of family that will be more numerous than the stars (thus God changes his name to Abraham, meaning father of many). Promise of a land to call home. Promise that through Abraham, the whole world will be blessed. Promises that will be partly fulfilled in his family line, but ultimately fulfilled in the coming of Christ.
Genesis 12-50 follows Abraham‘s family line. The line is marked by barren women, Sarah and Rebekah, and flawed characters. Abraham lies and says Sarah is his wife - twice, Isaac favours one son over another and Jacob deceives his brother and has to flee his brother’s wrath.
Throughout the narrative we see God’s persistent commitment to keep his promises. The impossible is done, both Sarah and Rebekah give birth when well advanced in years. Lot is blessed, as long as he remains with Abraham, through whom God’s blessing will flow.
The line of blessing is established. It would be through Isaac, not Ishmael, that God’s blessing would flow. Esau despised God’s blessing and gave away his birthright for a bowl of stew. God’s words to Rebekah prior to the birth of her twins played itself out. The younger Jacob, would be served by the elder, Esau.
Throughout the narrative God’s sovereign hand is over this family line. Protecting Jacob from his vengeful brother. Protecting Joseph from his hateful brothers. The book ends with Joseph being established second in charge of Egypt after years of pain and suffering, able to rescue his brothers who’d sold him as a slave years before. From these twelve brothers, the twelve tribes of Israel will come. A nation from who the promised Satan crusher would come. The one who’d bless the entire world - Jesus.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, imaginary play and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.