Passages: Leviticus
Big Idea: God pays in full, cleans completely and removes forever all of our sin, so now we can live for God as his holy people.
Ages: 5-7
Seven lessons exploring the book of Leviticus.
We can’t fully appreciate Jesus unless we know the book of Leviticus. And Leviticus doesn’t make sense to us if we don’t know Jesus.
Leviticus was the first book the Jews would teach their children. It’s like a dramatic stage play with all the signs pointing to Jesus. In Genesis, we saw God creating people in his image. They were good and beautiful to God. They were naked without shame. But their disobedience brought shame and guilt. Once, God lived with his people, but sin brought separation - with death being the ultimate separation from God. Because of sin, everything falls apart - our bodies, our thoughts, our environment.
What did God do to fix this problem? In Genesis 3:15, the gospel (good news) is announced. God would reverse the process of sin and death.
God would make the appropriate payment for our sin (death = payment for sin). He would establish a suitable go-between (between enemies - us and God). He would clean up the mess sin makes inside and out (in our hearts and in our bodies). He would cover over the shame of our sin (atonement). He would remove sin, separating his people from their sin forever (scapegoat).
He would do all this so that once again, God could live with his people, and they could live as his holy people. This is the good news expressed by God to his people in the book of Leviticus.
The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games and drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack of crafts and worksheets is also included.