God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons
God's Promised King - 10 Lessons

God's Promised King - 10 Lessons

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Passages: Matthew 8-13
Big Idea: Jesus is God’s promised King who invites us to follow him.


Ten lessons exploring Matthew 8 to 13.

Most Jews thought the Messiah would establish his kingdom on earth, and overthrow the Romans. This view was largely shaped by Psalm 2 and Daniel 2. Matthew however is intent on defining the true nature of the Messiah - the servant King - who came to lay down his life for his people (Isaiah 52:13-15). Matthew uses more Old Testament quotes than any other gospel to show that Jesus perfectly fulfils them all. He truly is God’s promised Messiah. 

Chapters 8 to 10 contain a series of stories of Jesus ushering in the Kingdom of God with power. We see Jesus heal the sick, cast out demons, calm storms and make the lame walk. God’s Messiah comes with God’s power. Throughout this collection of stories Jesus calls people to follow him. 

In chapters 11 and 12 we read of people’s response to Jesus. Some are positive, some are neutral and others reject. Jesus condemns the people, who’d witnessed so many miraculous signs, for their failure to believe. In chapter 13 Jesus then tells a series of parables that reflect the various responses by people in the previous two chapters. 

Jesus is the Messiah who ushers in God’s Kingdom and he calls us to follow him.

The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and worksheets is also included.

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