Passage: Parables from Matthew and Luke
Big Idea: King Jesus invites us to live as his people in his kingdom.
Ages: 3-4
Ten lessons for 3 and 4 year olds exploring some of the parables from Matthew and Luke.
Knowing God and living as his child in his Kingdom is the most precious thing in all the world. Entry into God’s Kingdom happens only when a person accepts God’s invitation, on God’s terms.
Life lived in God’s Kingdom is marked by trust and obedience. A child of the King listens to and seeks to obey their King. In fact you can’t say that you love the King and live ignoring him.
God’s King is both loving and forgiving. We have been loved much, so we are to live loving others. We have been forgiven everything and so we live as God’s forgiven people, forgiving those around us.
The unit comes complete with the following resources:
1. Leaders Manuals
2. Active Play & Games Ideas
3. Songs & Action Rhymes & Memory Verse
4. Bible Stories (full scripts, with sets of pictures for each story)
5. Small Group Time & Prayer Time Guides (complete with resources)
6. Take-Home Crafts (for children to use to retell the Bible story at home)
7. Story Book (for parents to read at home with their child)
8. Parent Pamphlet (detailing what children will learn)
9. God's Big Kingdom Banner (to display)
10. Routine Picture (to display for the group or for use by a child)
This unit is one of four units in two-year cycle for this age group.
Cycle A includes:
1. God's Amazing World
2. God's Big Kingdom
3. Our God Rules
4. God's Great King