To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons
To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons

To Corinth With Love - 9 Lessons

1 Corinthians
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Passages: 1 Corinthians 12-16
Big Idea:
God's Spirit gives his people gifts that are to be used in love to grow God's church. God's people have nothing to fear from death because Jesus rose from the dead.

Ages: 5-11

Nine lessons exploring 1 Corinthians chapters 12 to 16.

Note: These lessons are yet to be upgraded to the new Kidswise format. Each lesson contains two parts: K-2 is for children aged 5-7 and 3-5 is for children ages 8-11. 

Paul wrote the Corinthian church to urge them to be united in Christ and to reflect this unity in the church.

In the first part if the letter he rebukes them for their division. “I follow Apollos. I follow Paul.’ They follow only one Lord, Jesus Christ and are therefore united in him alone.

In the middle section of the letter Paul rebukes them for their ungodly behaviour. They were ungodly and immoral. They are to now to be like Jesus - holy and pure.
In the final section he rebukes them for their lack of love. God’s Spirit gives each Christian gifts. These gifts are to be used to serve and help each other to grow to be more like Jesus. If however, they exercise their gifts but fail to love, it’s as if they’ve not exercised their gifts at all. It all comes to nothing.

Paul concludes his letter by reminding them of the centrality of the cross - Christ died, was buried and rose again. Without a resurrected Lord, our faith would be in vain. Jesus resurrection gives us hope for our own resurrection on the last day.

The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and worksheets is also included.