God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons
God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons

God's Kingdom For All - 11 Lessons

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Passages: Matthew 21-28
Big Idea:
God’s plan was to save the Israelites, but they rejected his offer. So God now opens it up to people from every nation who will love and obey him.

Eleven lessons exploring Matthew 21-28.

Matthew’s gospel begins by declaring that Jesus is Immanuel, ‘God with us’. (Matthew 1:23) It ends with Jesus' declaration, “I am with you always.” (Matthew 28:20) The opening and closing chapters of Matthew (the accounts of Jesus' birth and death) are full of Old Testament quotes. Matthew wants to make it clear that Jesus is God’s promised Messiah. 

In chapter 21, Jesus is greeted with praise as he enters Jerusalem. But this praise is quickly overshadowed by the growing hostility towards him. Jesus confronts the hypocrisy in the Jewish leaders in the parables of Two Sons and The Tenants. They quickly realise that the stories are pointed at them and turn from trying to shame him to plotting his death. 

The parables in chapters 24 and 25 speak of the second coming of Jesus. The first time Jesus came, he came to save. The second time Jesus comes, he will come to judge. The call is to be ready, because the hour of his coming is unexpected. 

Jesus then withdraws to prepare his disciples for what’s about to happen. His death is not a failure, nor is it a tragedy. Jesus’ death is the surprising fulfilment of God’s amazing plan of salvation. From the cross, he cries the words of Psalm 22, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’ God’s good news is that Jesus cries these words on behalf of his people. He is the forsaken one. He dies the sin bearing death for his people, so that his people will never have to cry out these words. 

Matthew’s gospel ends with the Great Commission. God’s plan was to save the Israelites, but they rejected his offer. So God now opens it up to people from every nation who will love and obey him. The gospel of the King is the gospel of salvation for all people, from all nations. This is the good news of God’s risen King and his kingdom.

The unit comes complete with stories, pictures, suggested songs/memory verses, games, drama activities, crafts, large and small group activities. A resource pack full of crafts and activity sheets is also included.

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